Well, are you?
We are.
As prepared as we can be.
We're totally psyched, stoked, pumped, thrilled, and chomping at the bit for the tour to START already!
That means that YOU should be getting ready too.
'Cause we're gonna need your help.
This is a HUGE tour, and there is going to be a LOT of information out there. Photos, reviews, videos, articles.... all sorts of goodies. The small group of us who are going to try our damnest to keep this site updated with all these goodies are working women with jobs, families, and a shared sense of purpose.
But we're also realists. There's no way in hell we're going to be able to find everything. So please, as you come across goodies that you want to share, please drop us a line. A link to our edress is over there on the left-hand column of this blog. We'll give you credit for the find, unless you prefer to remain anonymous.
Thanks, and look forward to seeing you on the road!
Hath & The BJCT Blog Team